Monday, September 30, 2019

Women Enpowerment

Power is a relational dynamic between individuals or between groups of people and is often unequally distributed. This inequality results in control or domination. The pattern in which power is distributed in a society or the power structure of society is strengthened by the force of tradition ,values,history and by the prevalent ways of thinking and behaving. Any effort to change the balance of power entails change in the existing power structure. Women's empowerment is the process by which women negotiate a more equitable distribution of power , a greater space in the critical decision making processes in the home ,in the community and in the economic and political life. The aim of empowerment of women is the fuller and wholesome development of both men and women. Empowerment of women is anti-men. It is against patriarchy. Changes in law pertaining to marriage ,property, sexual harassment ,dowry,rape and other forms of violence, so as to bring in laws favouring or supporting women's empowerment are necessary but not enough. Enabling women to actually access to the benefits of appropriate laws is the key task of the empowerment process. The process of empowerment which seeks an equitable and active share for women has to deal with the burden of ideas and values which are passed on to women as part of their socialization process from their very childhood. This social conditioning becomes part of her person and mindset and influences her behavior. The empowerment process must begin with women changing their own ways of thinking and behaving . They must try to appreciate themselves more and to recognize and value their knowledge and skills and their contribution of the sustainability of the households and the community. Women then, must wage a multi-prolonged battle at many levels and this battle has necessarily to begin with the women themselves at a personal and individual level . As the empowerment process advances ,men loose their traditional power and control over women and this process must begin within the family. Women setting out to empower themselves must be aware and also prepared for the backlash they might have to face from the men who suddenly find themselves losing their traditional power and control. The road to empowerment is long, lonely and often frightening. In fact, the struggle is the process of empowerment. In recent decades, while individual women have been waging a very personal struggle, they have not been alone. Women within 34 communities, within countries and across the globe have been linking within one another to expand and to sharpen their efforts for their own empowerment. Economic Empowerment of women: Poverty Eradication: Since women comprise the majority of the population below the poverty line and are very often in situations of extreme poverty, given the harsh realities of intra-household and social discrimination, macroeconomic policies and poverty eradication programmes will specifically address the needs and problems of such women. There will be improved implementation of programmes which are already women oriented with special targets for women. Steps will be taken for mobilization of poor women and convergence of services, by offering them a range of economic and social options, along with necessary support measures to enhance their capabilities Micro Credit: In order to enhance women’s access to credit for consumption and production, the establishment of new, and strengthening of existing micro-credit mechanisms and micro-finance institution will be undertaken so that the outreach of credit is enhanced. Other supportive measures would be taken to ensure adequate flow of credit through extant financial institutions and banks, so that all women below poverty line have easy access to credit. Women and Economy: Women’s perspectives will be included in designing and implementing macro-economic and social policies by institutionalizing their participation in such processes. Their contribution to socio-economic development as producers and workers will be recognized in the formal and informal sectors (including home based workers) and appropriate policies relating to employment and to her working conditions will be drawn up. Such measures could include: Women and Agriculture: In view of the critical role of women in the agriculture and allied sectors, as producers, concentrated efforts will be made to ensure that benefits of training, extension and various programmes will reach them in proportion to their numbers. The programmes for training women in soil conservation, social forestry, dairy development and other occupations allied to agriculture like horticulture, livestock including small animal husbandry, poultry, fisheries etc. will be expanded to benefit women workers in the griculture sector. Women and Industry: The important role played by women in electronics, information technology and food processing and agro industry and textiles has been crucial to the development of these sectors. They would be given comprehensive support in terms of labour legislation, social security and other support services to participate in various industrial sectors. Women at present cannot work in night shift in fact ories even if they wish to. Suitable measures will be taken to enable women to work on the night shift in factories. This will be accompanied with support services for security, transportation etc. Social Empowerment of Women: Education: Equal access to education for women and girls will be ensured. Special measures will be taken to eliminate discrimination, universalize education, eradicate illiteracy, create a gender-sensitive educational system, increase enrolment and retention rates of girls and improve the quality of education to facilitate life-long learning as well as development of occupation/vocation/technical skills by women. Reducing the gender gap in secondary and higher education would be a focus area. Sectoral time targets in existing policies will be achieved, with a special focus on girls and women, particularly those belonging to weaker sections including the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes/Minorities. Gender sensitive curricula would be developed at all levels of educational system in order to address sex stereotyping as one of the causes of gender discrimination. Health: A holistic approach to women’s health which includes both nutrition and health services will be adopted and special attention will be given to the needs of women and the girl at all stages of the life cycle. The reduction of infant mortality and maternal mortality, which are sensitive indicators of human development, is a priority concern. This policy reiterates the national demographic goals for Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) set out in the National Population Policy 2000. Women should have access to comprehensive, affordable and quality health care. Measures will be adopted that take into account the reproductive rights of women to enable them to exercise informed choices, their vulnerability to sexual and health problems together with endemic, infectious and communicable diseases such as malaria, TB, and water borne diseases as well as hypertension and cardio-pulmonary diseases. The social, developmental and health consequences of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases will be tackled from a gender perspective. Nutrition: Intra-household discrimination in nutritional matters vis-a-vis girls and women will be sought to be ended through appropriate strategies. Widespread use of nutrition education would be made to address the issues of intra-household imbalances in nutrition and the special needs of pregnant and lactating women. Women’s participation will also be ensured in the planning, superintendence and delivery of the system. Violence against women: All forms of violence against women, physical and mental, whether at domestic or societal levels, including those arising from customs, traditions or accepted practices shall be dealt with effectively with a view to eliminate its incidence. Institutions and mechanisms/schemes for assistance will be created and strengthened for prevention of such violence , including sexual harassment at work place and customs like dowry; for the rehabilitation of the victims of violence and for taking effective action against the perpetrators of such violence. A special emphasis will also be laid on programmes and measures to deal with trafficking in women and girls. Rights of the Girl Child: All forms of discrimination against the girl child and violation of her rights shall be eliminated by undertaking strong measures both preventive and punitive within and outside the family. These would relate specifically to strict enforcement of laws against prenatal sex selection and the practices of female foeticide, female infanticide, child marriage, child abuse and child prostitution etc. Removal of discrimination in the treatment of the girl child within the family and outside and projection of a positive image of the girl child will be actively fostered. There will be special emphasis on the needs of the girl child and earmarking of substantial investments in the areas relating to food and nutrition, health and education, and in vocational education. In implementing programmes for eliminating child labour, there will be a special focus on girl children. Mass Media: Media will be used to portray images consistent with human dignity of girls and women. The Policy will specifically strive to remove demeaning, degrading and negative conventional stereotypical images of women and violence against women. Private sector partners and media networks will be involved at all levels to ensure equal access for women particularly in the area of information and communication echnologies. The media would be encouraged to develop codes of conduct, professional guidelines and other self regulatory mechanisms to remove gender stereotypes and promote balanced portrayals of women and men. Operational Strategies: Institutional Mechanisms: National and State Resource Centres on women will be established with mandates for collection and dissemination of information, undertaking research work, conducting surveys, implementing training and awareness gener ation programmes, etc. These Centers will link up with Women’s Studies Centres and other research and academic institutions through suitable information networking systems. While institutions at the district level will be strengthened, at the grass-roots, women will be helped by Government through its programmes to organize and strengthen into Self-Help Groups (SHGs) at the Anganwadi/Village/Town level. The women’s groups will be helped to institutionalize themselves into registered societies and to federate at the Panchyat/Municipal level. These societies will bring about synergistic implementation of all the social and economic development programmes by drawing resources made available through Government and Non-Government channels, including banks and financial institutions and by establishing a close Interface with the Panchayats/ Municipalities. Resource Management: a. Assessment of benefits flowing to women and resource allocation to the programmes relating to them through an exercise of gender budgeting. Appropriate changes in policies will be made to optimize benefits to women under these schemes; b. Adequate resource allocation to develop and promote the policy outlined earlier based on (a) above by concerned Departments. c. Developing synergy between personnel of Health, Rural Development, Education and Women & Child Development Department at field level and other village level functionaries’ d. Meeting credit needs by banks and financial credit institutions through suitable policy initiatives and development of new institutions in coordination with the Department of Women & Child Development. Women’s Component Plan: The strategy of Women’s Component Plan adopted in the Ninth Plan of ensuring that not less than 30% of benefits/funds flow to women from all Ministries and Departments will be implemented effectively so that the needs and interests of women and girls are addressed by all concerned sectors. The Department of Women and Child Development being the nodal Ministry will monitor and review the progress of the implementation of the Component Plan from time to time, in terms of both quality and quantity in collaboration with the Planning Commission. Legislation a. Strict enforcement of all relevant legal provisions and speedy redressal of grievances will be ensured, with a special focus on violence and gender related atrocities. b. Measures to prevent and punish sexual harassment at the place of work, protection for women workers in the organized/ unorganized sector and strict enforcement of relevant laws such as Equal Remuneration Act and Minimum Wages Act will be undertaken, c. Crimes against women, their incidence, prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution will be regularly reviewed at all Crime Review fora and Conferences at the Central, State and District levels. Recognised, local, voluntary organizations will be authorized to lodge Complaints and facilitate registration, investigations and legal proceedings related to violence and atrocities against girls and women. d. Women’s Cells in Police Stations, Encourage Women Police Stations Family Courts, Mahila Courts, Counselling Centers, Legal Aid Centers and Nyaya Panchayats will be strengthened and expanded to eliminate violence and atrocities against women. e. Widespread dissemination of information on all aspects of legal rights, human rights and other entitlements of women, through specially designed legal literacy programmes and rights information programmes will be done. Gender Sensitization: a. Promoting societal awareness to gender issues and women’s human rights. b. Review of curriculum and educational materials to include gender education and human rights issues c. Removal of all references derogatory to the dignity of women from all public documents and legal instruments. . Use of different forms of mass media to communicate social messages relating to women’s equality and empowerment. Partnership with the voluntary sector organizations: The involvement of voluntary organizations, associations, federations, trade unions, non-governmental organizations, women’s organizations, as well as institutions dealing with education, training and research will be ensured in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and review of all policies and programmes affecting women. Towards this end, they will be provided with appropriate support related to resources and capacity building and facilitated to participate actively in the process of the empowerment of women. Women Reservation Bill: Reservation for women at each level of legislative decision-making, starting with the Lok Sabha, down to state and local legislatures. If the Bill is passed, one-third of the total available seats would be reserved for women in national, state, or local governments. In continuation of the existing provisions already mandating reservations for scheduled caste and scheduled tribes, one-third of such SC and ST candidates must be women. Political pundits, sociologists, political scientists, feminists and historians and almost everybody has said that if the bill becomes an act then it will be the biggest socio-political news since independence. The central government cleared the Bill on February 25, 2010. For such a bill to pass, the Constitution has laid out an elaborate procedure. So, even if the Rajya Sabha passes the bill its real impact will be felt only when it passes through the Lok Sabha. On March 8, it's difficult to say how the government will manage order in the Upper House so that members favouring the bill can vote without disruption or chaos created by opposing members. Article on Women Empowerment Women Empowerment : Women are the integral part of our country that is not only limited to bring up the children but also to contribute equally for the development of our country. They are such human bodies which are made of patience, tolerance, perseverance, strength and dedication towards their families. They play a dynamic role in each and every activity. Moreover, there is not even a single field left where they have not left their footprints whether it’s about opposition of Government in ‘Geetika Murder Case’ (An airhostess, Delhi) or their raising of voices against the rape of ‘Delhi’s Medical student’. We can clearly feel their presence in our life and figure out what we are without them. However, in this male-dominated world, women have no option left except dealing with the problems which they come across on regular basis. They are better than men in all the areas and that cannot be denied by all of us. As per the data, 84000 cases were registered against the men for the sexual violence of women in 2014 which itself is a ‘Statistics of Shame’ for our country folk. More than 6 million female fetuses have been aborted in the last decade which shows our law and order and its delaying in the decision. Besides all these, 825000 cases or violence are still pending in our trustworthy said courts. These statistics show that how much developed we are in terms of oppression on women. In case of ‘Delhi Rape’ few politicians blamed the victims for their movement towards westernization and adopting western culture knowing that most of women who are victimized are either poor or illiterate by birth. So, rather than pointing out their incapability, they should amend such laws that not only protect them but also become medium of grave punishment for the doers. When women can do all that is required for the enhancement and modernization of the world, why women are not much powered as compare to the men who still believe in disrespecting the women of our country and making us feel embarrassed. They are educated and aware of their own rights. Most importantly, they need not depend on their male mates to get their work done. They have emerged as supernatural power which knows no restriction and boundation and they are both mentally and physically able to respond. Now, the time has come for women to empower themselves so that every criminal may think twice before he comments or molests any of the women of our country. Apart from these, Govt. hould step forward and run campaign for the overall awareness of women across the country. Through these alternatives, we can dream of liberation once again which is meant for both men and women equally. Women empowerment will help all the women to come forward and understand their rights for their stability in this staggering male world. They will be more educated and aware of laws which they usually do not get to know till they die. In this way, they can feel empowered and live safer than ever.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Education and Sustainable Development

Environmental education is a process of learning and teaching of environmental concepts and practices which increases people’s awareness about the environment. It mainly focuses on creation of knowledge and understanding of the environment and its challenges. It also focuses on creation of skills to mitigate environmental problems which are arising day by day and provides a forum for existing environmental knowledge to be exercised. Its objectives are creation of awareness and helping people to develop a positive attitude towards environmental education.Status of environmental education in Kenya In Kenya today, environmental education has enabled learners to play a big role in environmental conservation measures. An example is the Green Belt Movement which has over 600 community networks across Kenya which along with other networks have participated in planting more than 30 million trees on private and public land, protected reserves, sites with cultural significance and urban centers.This has resulted in the transformation of many landscapes (forests, sleep slopes and other degraded areas) and protection and restoration of habitats for local biodiversity (plants and animals). Many communities work with the Green Belt Movement to conserve and harvest water more effectively through construction of dams made of sand. That harvested water is used for household needs, food crops and tree nurseries. A related program with the Green Belt Movement Kenya improves food security i. e. he capacity of families to feed themselves, by promoting planting of fruit trees and indigenous foods including yams, cassava and arrowroots. In Kenya today, many groundbreaking initiatives including environmental education have been launched so that people could identify the sources of their problems including poor use and management of their environment and poor governance at local and national levels. They then identify solutions to those problems hence helping in maintaining a st able environmental state.Environmental education has been a reliable advocate for environmental and human rights by challenging abusive or ill-conceived actions by the previous Kenyan governments and rallying Kenyans to the cause. Through its advocacy and civic education campaigns, environmental education has been instrumental in bringing environmental issues to the Kenyan policy makers’ attention and has enjoyed significant success most notably the protection from wanton destruction of Uhuru Park and Karura Forest, both in Nairobi. This has been achieved through the Green Belt Movement.Environmental education should examine major issues locally and internationally. Currently in Kenya, a certain aspect of environmental education, The Green Belt Movement, has opened the Lang’ata Learning Center in Nairobi which continues to offer environmental education through exchange programs that expose participating groups to community biodiversity issues through discussions with l ocal leaders and excursions to selected areas around the country. Through its Pan African Green Belt Network, the Green Belt Movement has trained representatives from 15 African countries.As a result, several tree planting initiatives have been established in East and Central Africa and in the west. Environmental education in Kenya today has promoted cooperation among very many people. Different people come together in joint initiatives to plant trees or build dams. They also partake in attending and holding seminars and workshops to discuss diverse environmental issues. In this way, people are able to listen to each other’s ideas and suggestions hence enabling exchange of knowledge and skills. They also get a chance to inspire and help each other as they offer a listening ear.Today, environmental education is increasingly becoming a continuous process with so many environmental conservation measures been born and exercised. There thus arises the need to educate people on car rying out these practices. It is also being made continuous by the increasing environmental degradation in our society. People are cutting down trees carelessly and polluting the environment at a very fast rate. As a result, environmental education is being carried out continuously to combat these ill habits. This is being done through initiatives such as the Green Belt Movement.Environmental education has taken a big consideration in development and government plans in Kenya today. The government has planned to build many industries, medical facilities, petroleum refineries and electronic manufacturers. All these will generate hazardous wastes to the environment. Various movements to conserve the environment have recently sensitized the government on the need to institute both incentives and command and control measures to ensure that industries that generate hazardous waste dispose them off responsibly. Opportunities of environmental educationSince environmental education should e nable learners to actively play a role in environmental conservation, it should have a hand in encouraging research and propagation of drought-resistant crops such as cassava, millet and sorghum in order to assure food security. This is particularly important given that climate change is likely to occasion an increasingly higher incidence of crop failure. Environmental education should also have an emphasis on encouraging propagation of indigenous tree species. Although these enrich tree species and are better able to withstand environmental shocks, they are considerably under-utilized in agroforestry.It should discourage illegal logging of trees to meet timber and charcoal needs. This will be done by encouraging the formation of Community Forest Associations (CFAs) in line with the stipulations of the Forests Act and empower them to engage in sustainable forest management. CFAs should be representative of the communities that live adjacent to the forests and include women and margi nalized communities and have strict rules and procedures that prevent their appropriation by the local dominant groups. Environmental education should consider environmental aspects in major development and government plans.It therefore has the opportunity to sensitize the initiation of a range of energy sector reforms that will impel investment in clean and affordable sources of renewable energy such as solar, wind and biogas and therein eases the enormous pressure exerted on the country’s diminishing forests and woodlands for wood fuel. Challenges of environmental education Environmental education has suffered from the lack of participation among social groups and individuals. Studies have shown that most people formally educated make little efforts in ensuring that they take responsibility of the environment.This leads to knowledge gained from environmental education being stifled and may not get implemented and spread to other persons. Groups may find it unnecessary due t o lack of incentives to participate in environmental education. The lack of comprehensive strategies is another challenge facing environmental education in Kenya. Kenya has not focused much on inter-linkages between the environment and sustainable development. The environment has been mostly viewed in a great detail from the biophysical view but with less emphasis on the economic and social perspective.This has led to less participatory approaches to environmental education hence hindering its development. There exists a negative attitude among some individuals towards environmental education. Some people are suspicious about environmental education as they fear it may affect their day to day living by e. g. preventing them from logging, use of chemicals on crops e. t. c. This brings a bad image on environmental education especially on less educated individuals. The relevant government authorities are mostly underfunded in their attempts to bring environmental education to the foref ront.The government allocates more funds to other ministries and departments that are seen to bring instant returns to the economy such as agriculture and tourism and thus undermines ministries such as environment. This makes it unable to fund sensitization projects based on environmental education. There is lack of enough manpower to undertake projects concerning environmental education. People mostly in rural areas may end up not getting the relevant information concerning their environment whereas they are the people directly in contact with natural resources such as rivers, forests e. . c. This greatly undermines the spread of environmental education in the country and is a huge challenge. In certain cases, there might be inadequate information on the threats that the environment faces to the people. Theoretical teachings may not be sufficient to convince individuals on why they need to undertake certain measures to prevent environmental degradation and promote sustainable devel opment. Practical case studies may have to be carried out to convince learners adequately on threats on the environment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Best Summer Memory of My Childhood

When I was 11 years old, I attended a Unitarian church camp for a summer vacation with my family. It was a pleasant area, with the Puget Sound not far away, grass fields, many old-style wooden buildings, an expansive forest, and an elongated pond between the road and the camp. Deer and other wildlife regularly visited the grounds. It was an ideal place to forget your worries and the routine of common life. As an 11-year-old boy, it was a place for me to meet my friends, and maybe fall in love with a girl. However, this summer camp was more spiritual than others—not because of a religious message, but because I had an awakening at the camp that year. I had been going to this summer retreat almost every year since I was very young. But somehow, this year was different. It seemed my mind and soul was ripe for a transformation. I recorded my first poem in my 11th year, and I seemed more introspective than usual. I was less interested in playing and joking around with my friends. I was searching for answers to deep questions about life and God. While walking down a path next to a grass field leading to the camp’s cafeteria, suddenly my vision changed. The grass was shining, the texture of the bark of trees was lucid, and each detail around me seemed like it was the first time I was seeing. In a sense, it was a feeling of rebirth. In church, there is talk of baptism, which is more of a ritual than anything else, in my opinion. The real baptism is an inner transformation. But back to the experience, this natural baptism came spontaneously. No effort was put into it. It was like a light was switched on in my consciousness, and I saw everything as new again. This sight was accompanied by a fresh sense of peace—a mental silence that I had not experienced before. Also, joy was coursing through my being at the exhilaration of such a happening. From that moment, the world around me and within me was never the same. The only problem was that I was too young to fully grasp what had happened. In fact, I thought I was some sort of prophet. Seeing a tarot card reader only made the issue worse. Through the reading, I thought I was â€Å"the victory of the people,† and someone no one else was like. However, there were many other people who had the same experience—I just did not know this at that tender age. Later in life, I learned there are many people just like me, and that I was not all that special. What I learned from this experience is that baptism, or spiritual rebirth, is a spontaneous happening, and not done only from the hand of a priest. Also, I learned about getting a spiritual ego, where you think you are important based on spiritual experiences. My natural baptism and my knowledge of spiritual ego has allowed me to gain much in life: more creativity, inner peace, and how to be humble in the face of achievements.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Fire Department Safety Officer Week 3 - Smoke Essay - 1

Fire Department Safety Officer Week 3 - Smoke - Essay Example Heat exhaustion on the other hand, is the bodys reaction to an extreme loss of salt and water, generally through extreme sweating (Corbett, 2009). These two types of stress affect firefighters in the following ways. Firefighters find themselves in a situation where they have to assess the conditions to determine how to deal with the incident. When dealing with highly hazardous energy, they need to have knowledge on the source of the energy, its transmission and related risks. Although firefighters are highly trained professionals, there are certain conditions they face which cannot be controlled. Firefighting is a risk-taking job, and when firefighters are in an incident, they are exposed to excess heat and smoke. They are usually very active to ensure that, they contain the fire by following all the laid down procedures. Their body temperatures rise as a result of their work and as well as the high temperatures in their work environment. This leads to heat stroke and heat exhaustion stresses to some or to all the firefighters dealing with the fire incident. Treat heat stroke patients by moving them to a cool, shaded area, and cool them using various methods such as wetting their clothes. Treat heat exhaustion patients by having them rest in a cool, shaded area, and having them drink plenty of water (Corbett,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Strengths and weaknesses of viral marketing Essay

Strengths and weaknesses of viral marketing - Essay Example Contrary to expectation, Leskovec, Adamic and Huberman, found that the chances of infection decreases as interaction increases (Leskovec, Adamic and Huberman, 2007, P.14). Therefore, marketers should avoid providing excessive incentives for customers to recommend products due to the corresponding weakening of credibility after the first recommendation. They also found that individuals have influence over only a few friends in network based epidermic models. Leskovec, Adamic and Huberman, recommend that smaller tightly knit groups are more conducive to viral marketing (Leskovec, Adamic and Huberman, 2007, P.14). Rationale for viral marketing Viral marketing exploits the established social networks between people by encouraging customers to share product experience and information with friends. It is important for marketers to understand the context in which viral marketing works and the qualities of products for which it is most effective. This is important in order to ensure that the right strategy is adopted to create favorable customer attitudes towards a product (Blythe, 2005, P.110). It can be argued that some services used by people to communicate are naturally suited to viral marketing because such products can be advertised as part of communication. Examples of such products are email services like Yahoo and Hotmail which were adopted very fast because every message sent through them was an advertisement for the service and the service was free. Hotmail spent only $50 000 on traditional marketing but still acquired 12 million users in 18 months. By the end of 2000, Hotmail had over 70 million users with 270 000 new accounts opened each day. Google’s Gmail grew...This is important in order to ensure that the right strategy is adopted to create favorable customer attitudes towards a product (Blythe, 2005, P.110). It can be argued that some services used by people to communicate are naturally suited to viral marketing because such products can be advertised as part of communication. Examples of such products are email services like Yahoo and Hotmail which were adopted very fast because every message sent through them was an advertisement for the service and the service was free. Hotmail spent only $50 000 on traditional marketing but still acquired 12 million users in 18 months. By the end of 2000, Hotmail had over 70 million users with 270 000 new accounts opened each day. Google’s Gmail grew rapidly in spite of the fact that customers had to sign up for the mail service through a referral . Most products cannot be advertised in this way; in any case, the choice of products on offer has increased as a result of the emergence of online marketers who can supply a wide variety of products. Another aspect of online retail is the fat tail phenomena, where a large portion of the sales consists of obscure products. For instance, at Amazon.Com 20 to 40 percent of unit sales fall outside the top 100 000 ranked products. Some online marketers argue that the fat tail indicates that key products with low sales volume contribute significantly to overall sales.

Technology Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Technology Plan - Assignment Example This paper will examine a technology plan for a health care services organization. A health care services organization (HCSO) can function a lot better if it has the right kind of information at its disposal without any wastage of time. Efficiency and effectiveness are two important necessities for the smooth functioning of such an organization. Thus, it would be necessary for a HCSO to have a computer network covering all the terminals inside the building linking their records and data together. A centralized server with direct wireless connectivity with all the nodes would be an idealistic way to provide real-time data from one PC to another without the hassle of paper or wastage of time and human resource. Careful planning can even see a paperless management system being implemented at the Indus Hospital, Pakistan which made the greatest technological advancement in terms of a hospital by adopting to a purely paperless system (Garib, 2008). Truly speaking, such a feat would give an HCSO a competitive advantage in terms of productivity and efficacy. With wireless connectivity instead of wired terminals, the HCSO can also have distributed printers within the organization so as to facilitate the printing of various slips or documents near the customer or the doctor instead of a centralized print server. The use of computerized logs with regards to the number of hours devoted by each doctor or healthcare specialist will give an HCSO the flexibility to focus on its core operations. Such systems work with near field communications devices or RFID tags and perform at extremely impressive perfection rates giving the organization the ease of doing away with manual and troublesome payroll processing systems. Auto-payroll systems are quite the norm and can be easily implemented at an HCSO with slight modifications to suit the scenario. Technological advancements are the light of the day and thus if

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Literature Review on Change Management Research Paper

Literature Review on Change Management - Research Paper Example Managing change in an organization is a complex procedure which involves various factors which influence the transformation initiatives. The quality and change management are interlinked in a manner that it is extremely essential to administer quality of the ongoing project. If project is behind schedule or lacks some elements it is essential to introduce change management procedures after having proper consent from the management. Every manager perceives differently about the change management initiatives because of their personal experiences and the success factors which they have faced. Change management requires companies to tackle with every problem according to their priorities which allows manager to easily allocate resources and skills for resolving them (Sirkin, Keenan, & Jackson, 2013). These measures and indicators can easily be applied to any working organization for having enterprise change management. But it must be clearly defined that change management is different fo r every department of a business. ... nal Organisation The procedure which is being followed in educational organizations are quite different from what is being followed in business sector. The educational organizations have a lot of external pressure which they have on their learning curriculum. The courses and their associated areas require universities to cope with the changing procedures and develop strategies for implementing such change management practices in their daily official routines. Education sector requires proper funding from external sources for competing with the changing learning patterns being implemented worldwide. Students are now required to spend substantial time of their lectures and assignments and follow new learning patterns. Besides there are instances in which universities and colleges are emerging against litigation issues which has increased the scrutiny procedures along with conductance of external audits from third parties (Szamosi & Duxbury, 2002). Education sector is bound to follow th ese changes as it helps them in ranking their services and learning standards accordingly in comparison with other international universities. Educational sector needs to be aware of the change management procedures because it plays a central role in social and economic upheaval and in some countries it is considered as a major contributor of export and import. For remaining competitive with the changing business patterns it is essential that educational sector must respond to all these changes in a positive manner and design actions to combat with these forces appropriately. Change management procedures allow management of this sector to determine whether the key quality improvements and strategic developments have been identified and implemented as required. It is also useful for

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Second Rate Speaker Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Second Rate Speaker - Essay Example The presentation is on the entrepreneurship within the Computers Industry and is a two-part presentation to be delivered by Mr. Bruce. However, part 1 of the presentation did not go well as Mr. Bruce certainly lacked preparation and was unable to impress the audience. Many of the audience were of the opinion that they may not be able to attend the second session provided the quality of the presentations and the jokes shared by the speaker. During the first session, he touched many topics which were not directly related with the topic and kept on sharing things which were directly related with the topic of discussion. It was clearly evident that either there was a clear lack of interest by Mr. Bruce or there was lack of preparation and skills to deliver such kind of informative sessions. There were many occasions where he completely failed to deliver what was required therefore a rapport with audience cannot be developed easily during the session. In order to deal with the situation, there are few options available which may be needed in order to ensure that next session remains productive and informative for the participants. One of the options is to basically disallow Mr. Bruce and hire someone else to deliver rest of the sessions. Secondly, Mr. Bruce can be coached in how to deliver effective presentations which can keep the interests of the audience as well as deliver the required message to the audience. 1. A coaching session may kindly be arranged for Mr. Bruce to provide him effective tools and techniques as to how to develop a presentation and what kind of information is required to be included. Further, through this short coaching session, the overall feedback of the participants should also be provided to Mr. Bruce. In the light of the overall feedback, the coaching session shall be developed. 2. This coaching session will be in-house and delivered by our own Staff based upon the overall criteria defined and outlined by

Monday, September 23, 2019

Archaeology Topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Archaeology Topic - Assignment Example Developing material culture and brand concepts of culture that are inseparable from the communities is essential. Culture heritage belongs to people, therefore ensuring cultural heritage is a necessity at all cost (Fiol 191). Heritage duration is important to the local people. Duration is long-term preservation of heritage assets and provision of their access in different forms. The fragile heritage assets need to be preserved in an environment that protects them. Large museums offer such conservators for the fragile assets. Museums give culture heritage long life through preserving artifacts or through recreating a historical place that can be experienced by people. There are different forms of protecting buildings and structures that hold cultural heritage. Heritage management for buildings requires continued use of the building. Intangible cultural heritage also needs to be managed through being re-interpreted by people of the specific cultural regions. Management of intangible cultural heritage is not easy but it is still manageable. Cultural resources are all very important and they need constant maintenance (Fiol

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Understanding Society - Classical Liberalism Essay Example for Free

Understanding Society Classical Liberalism Essay The individualism that Durkheim sees and defends as the ethic of our time is an ethic not just of the individual hut of the individual as man. This is an absolutely fundamental point, and not as obvious and straightforward as, at first sight, it might seem. It involves a dualism, in which an ideal of individuality is part of the ideal of humanity (Miller, 1996 96). The dualism’s Durkheimian explanation concerns the development of the division of labor, such that there are increasingly only two fundamental identities we can have, the identity of the distinct â€Å"individual† and the identity in common of â€Å"man† (Hamilton, 1995 136). However, it also concerns the development of modern society such that it demands a Universalist ethic of â€Å"the person†. This means, amongst other things, insistence on every individual’s same basic moral status and rights to respect and regard. Indeed, an ethic of the person is the only way to extend this status to every individual, and to oppose reactionary individualisms that withhold it. The modern individualist ideal is and has to be, for Durkheim, humanist and republican, its aspirations find expression in 1789’s â€Å"liberty, equality, fraternity† (Miller, 1996 97). â€Å"Liberalism is neither a vague Zeitgeist nor the outlook of modern man, but clearly identifiable set of principles and institutional choices endorsed by specific politicians, publicists, and popular movements. The early history of liberalism cannot be detached from the political history, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, of England and Scotland, the Netherlands, the United States, and France† (Berkowitz, 1999 256). As for the main character of the discussion, liberalism for Durkheim remains part of the egoistic nature of man towards his environment. Discussion Durkheim published a response entitled, Individualism and the Intellectuals, wherein he discussed â€Å"the argument, always refuted and always renewed,† that â€Å"Intellectual and moral anarchy would be the inevitable result of liberalism. † Some varieties of liberalism, Durkheim conceded, are egoistic and threaten the common good of societies by encouraging the individual to become excessively preoccupied with self-interest. However, there is a strand of liberalism, Durkheim argued, that is moral and social. This form Durkheim called â€Å"moral Individualism† and he claimed that â€Å"not only is moral individualism not anarchical, but it henceforth is the only system of beliefs that can ensure the moral unity of the country. † In industrial, democratic nations such as France, moral virtue and unity are promoted by the liberal practices and ideals of moral individualism. France’s modern moral traditions are largely constituted by liberal institutions and values (Hamilton, 1995 124). Durkheim asserted chat â€Å"all communal life is impossible without the existence of interests superior to those of the individual. † From the outset of his career, Durkheim insisted that in modern Industrial society’s happiness and freedom are achieved in the context of moral beliefs and practice, embedded in vital traditions and institutions. Durkheim sees in the modern ideal â€Å"all the values to which he adheres most: equality, liberty, justice, fraternity†. Moreover, it is important to emphasize, he sees them as coming together in an inseparable package. It will not do to insist on a definition of freedom that in effect writes off other modern ideals, and that camouflages, behind a lot of philosophical talk, a recipe for a minimalist police state and an anemic and oppressive class-divided society (Berkowitz, 1999 257). It is a recipe for such things if only because the other ideals, which the libertarian state has to trample on, will not go away but are part of the modern world (Miller, 1996 97). Similarly, it will not do to insist on conceptions of equality and community that in effect write off freedom, in a recipe for a â€Å"despotic socialism†. Durkheim’s project is a commitment to a continuing, developing search to work and rework the human ideal’s different aspirations, which, whatever the tensions between them, must combine into a whole. It is bound to be a dispute-filled search, if only because of the nature of the human ideal, with its commitment to individualism and free thought, but also, in Durkheim’s account, because of the nature of modern individuality itself. However, his appeal to the division of labor as a basic source of our individuality can at the same time obscure the point about individuality itself as a source of differences and disputes (Miller, 1996 98). Critics of liberalism tend to be the more aggressive, eager to portray Hobbes as a paradigmatic liberal theorist whose geometric method, materialist metaphysics, mechanistic psychology, and atomistic vision of society exemplify the poverty of the liberal spirit (Tucker, 2001 68). Meanwhile, when confronted with the image of Hobbes as one of their own, liberals often react sharply; pointing to Hobbes’s theory of indivisible and inseparable sovereign power and insistence on state supervision of university curriculum and church teaching, they emphatically declare that Hobbes cannot be understood to be a liberal in any meaningful sense (Hamilton, 1995 138). As often happens when passions flare and partisans draw sharp lines in the sand, the truth in its complexity and fine-grained texture becomes the first casualty, in the debate over Hobbes’s relation to liberalism, each side errs not so much in what it points to as in what it fails to acknowledge in Hobbes’s political theory (Berkowitz, 1999 257). In their efforts to present Hobbes as liberalism’s torchbearer, liberalism’s critics abstract from the fact that Hobbes’s political science does little to insure the protection of traditional liberal freedoms and rejects the need, made thematic by the liberal tradition, to limit government power through careful institutional design (Pickering 2001 196). At the same time, liberals who wish to deny any relation whatsoever to Hobbes overlook the fact that Hobbes’s doctrine of absolute sovereignty is explicitly established for the limited purpose of securing and maintaining peace, while subjects’ obligation to obey the civil law is limited, according to Hobbes’s theory, by the natural and inalienable right to self-preservation (Hamilton, 1995 139). Hobbes argued that human beings are fundamentally equal and endowed with certain natural and in-alienable rights, defended the idea of a state based on the rule of law: maintained a basic distinction between the public and the private; envisaged a sovereign who respected personal freedom by permitting his subjects the liberty of commerce and contract, as well as the choice of profession, where to live, and how to raise their children: held that a primary task of a good government was to secure a rudimentary welfare for all citizens; affirmed that civil laws govern actions, not inner faith or conscience, insisted on the utility of toleration (Berkowitz, 1999 258). Adam Smith, on the other hand, introduced two forms of liberalism, specifically economic liberalism and social liberalism. Economic liberalism is primarily about efficiency, whereas social liberalism is primarily about freedom. In modern politics, they often appeal to quite different people (McLean, 2006 314). Economic liber als are often social conservatives, and vise versa. People who believe that the state should get out of the market often believe strongly that the state should police morals (Hamilton, 1995 141). The individualization of altruism thus connects with all the emphasis on how we each become an â€Å"autonomous source of action† and a centre of thought in which â€Å"the very materials of consciousness have a personal character† (McLean, 2006 315). It increasingly involves, around this â€Å"common faith†, ways of thinking and feeling that are â€Å"very general and indefinite† and that let in â€Å"a growing multitude of individual disagreements (McLean, 2006 323). Dissidences, even if including the differences of organic cohesion, must also refer to the conflicts involved in pluralism, factionalism and the freedom in which we each have our own â€Å"opinions, beliefs, aspirations† (Miller, 1996 99). Moral individualism, wrote Durkheim, is â€Å"the individualism of Kant, Rousseau, of the spiritualities — the one that the Declaration of the Rights of Man attempted, more or less happily, to formulate and that is currently taught in our schools and has become the basis of our moral character (Pickering 2001 194). This type of individualism is â€Å"profoundly different† from the egoistic type. Far from making personal interest the object of conduct, this one sees in all personal motives the very source of evil (Tucker, 2001 68). According to Kant, the individual is only certain of acting properly if the motives that influence the person relate, not to the particular circumstance in which the person is placed, but to the equality as a man in abstract (Holmes, 1995 89). On the other hand, Rousseau’s concept of the general will is an authentic expression of justice insofar as it is constituted not by personal interest, but by public goods and concerns (McLean, 2006 326). Durkheim concluded, thus, for both these men, the only moral ways of acting are those that can be applied to all men indiscriminately, which are implied in the notion of man in general duty consists in disregarding all that concerns us personally in order to seek out fellowmen (Pickering 2001 195). It is perhaps more accurate to say that Durkheim’s moral individualism invented this tradition as much as It belongs to it (Holmes, 1995 86). Durkheim attempted to piece together his own â€Å"communitarian† account of his favorite varieties of liberalism (Hamilton, 1995 142). A set of liberal, democratic traditions already existed; however, Durkheim was well aware of competing communitarian traditions, such as those of the Royalists and the conservative Roman Catholics, as well as of competing liberal traditions, such as those of the classical economists and utilitarians (McLean, 2006 320). Durkheim attempted to show that in the vocabulary of moral individualism there is no fundamental opposition between individual rights and the common good. He first advanced what he considered to be the necessary communal, social Interpretation of the Kantian autonomous Individual (Pickering 2001 193). Conclusion Egoism is equated with individualism wherein Durkheim defines it in terms of â€Å"sentiments and representations which are exclusively personal†, and indeed just talks of it as â€Å"individuality†. This does not sound as if it can just be a matter of organic diversity, of differences that are complementary and cohesive rather than conflicting nor is it. The crucial passage comes earlier on, when Durkheim discusses the nature of the modern conscience collective and of the human ideal at its core. From the perspectives of other liberal philosophers of Adam Smith, liberalism is in the aspects of economic and social strengths wherein the society and industry are in continuous interplays of identities; Hobbes emphasized the universal right to personally convene a decision as the basic form of individuality. Rousseau and Kant exemplified liberalism in the form of rights of man to achieve utmost happiness as the form of individuality. Bibliography Berkowitz, P. (1999). Virtue and the Making of Modern Liberalism. Princeton University Press. Hamilton, P. (1995). Emile Durkheim: Critical Assessments. Routledge. Holmes, S. H. (1995). Passions and Constraint: On the Theory of Liberal Democracy. University of Chicago Press. McLean, L. (2006). Adam Smith, Radical and Egalitarian: Radical and Egalitarian. Edinburgh University Press. MIller, W. W. (1996). Durkheim, Morals and Modernity. McGill-Queens Press. Pickering, W. F. (2001). Emile Durkheim: Critical Assessments of Leading Sociologists. Routledge. Tucker, K. H. (2001). Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach. Blackwell Publishing.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Fashion in the Elizabethan and Jacobean era

Fashion in the Elizabethan and Jacobean era Similarities and differences between Elizabethan and Jacobean Era fashion. The Elizabethan and Jacobean Era fashion had a lot of similarities along with many differences. They both had a unique way of fashion whereby fashion to them brought great and better organize and proper foundation. The Elizabeth era were more into the v shape clothing whereby the clothes were more to fit the shape and body structure. While during the Jacobean era more of the â€Å"U† shaped clothing was worn. The Jacobean Era came up to be so enticed by ruffs, where clothing made from shiny, smooth silk satins and play of light on these fine fabrics. But the French or wheel farthingale from the Elizabethan Era had be replaced with a softer mode of kilting the gown skirts. The open jacket and gown shaped like the letter â€Å"U† were now being worn over the abdomen. They both on the other hand, used clothing as a way to distinguish and set standards, differential their time and build a society of more civilized and great power. The Elizabethan Era was into being quite elegant and classy .It was just another fashion conscious era, in which the way to show their personality and individuality was through their way of style and fashion. They were more known on fashion ideas and the way people found self-expression through it. In the beginning of the Elizabethan Era, women dressed casual and formal and The Elizabethan Era simply refers to a period, which was under the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The Elizabethan Era is also known as the Golden Age in History. This was the time when one saw the great new formation of English literature. It was also a brief period, which saw some amount of internal peace between the English Reformation and the clashes between other communities. Clothing in the Elizabethan Era also saw an influence of geometric shapes. They took time and effort in showing of the natural shape and structure of their individual bodies. They decorated their body with fine materials that was quite great in amount, size and quality. They did this so to perceive an impression of a small waist. And this was not only shown in women but men as well, where they also wanted really thin body so to show their masculinity. One would also need to note that the Elizabethan Era was one such period, which saw a proper division of class. With it, fashion was a way to distinguish great class and status. The Sumptuary Laws were passed that stated the kind of clothing one would have to wear. Fashion also saw many changes and in the beginning of the Elizabethan Era, one can notice that the Elizabethan clothing was styled to cover every part of a womans body. Elizabethan clothing was also characterized by the kind of class one belonged to. People who belonged to the lower strata of society wore clothing made from materials like wool, sheepskin and even linen. People who belonged to this category were not allowed to wear materials in silk or even have velvet trimmings. Mens clothing in the Elizabethan Era also witnessed quite a few changes. Men wore ‘jerkins which were shirts with buttons down in the front. Men who belonged to the upper class also wore fine silk hats with a single feather. Shoes were always made of fine quality leather. Long, flowing cloaks and tall hats were also added to the kind of clothing worn in the Elizabethan Era. These laws were passed by Queen Elizabeth and were also known as Statutes of Apparel. It was basically done to clearly demarcate the social structure existing in the Elizabethan Era. The Queen herself and only her relations were allowed to wear clothing that used gold or gold tissue as an embellishment. In the Jacobean Era, as the ruff grew in size and ornamentation, the rest of the clothing became more simple and elegant but if one was to look carefully, one will notice clothing made from shiny, smooth silk satins and painters who reveled in the play of light on these fine fabrics. The drape of these glorious textiles was emphasized by the arrangement of the fabric over the hips. Another style exists about the same time. Open-front jackets or gowns reveal brightly colored brocade stomachers shaped in a low U over the abdomen. The style is best portrayed in Rubens Portrait of himself, where his first wife, Isabella Brant. Most of the portraits of women drawn of the Jacobean Era, they featured women wearing the ornate stomachers, whish are usually in only bit of color in an outfit of the rest of which is shockingly black. This stomachers seems to be the Dutchwomans outlet for panache. The bodice is still quite structured, varying from a shockingly low necking to a high collar, but the gown skirts or petticoats have become softer and no longer appear to be worn with a farthingale. The ornate decoration of the Elizabethan period also seems to be subsiding. It is being replaced by the sumptuous silks and minimal trim that so clearly mark the Stuart fashions to come The Fashion in the Elizabethan Era and Jacobean Era both gave way to a new era o fashion and clothing. They brought out some of the ideas in which are still present in todays dressing. It is quite obvious that they centered on fashion and many other things, but with it they brought great changes to the world as a whole. The changes and influence they had and still have on the world is quite enormous. The doors they open for us and the eyes they widened are those that let us all to build our own way and new way of STYLE.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Civil Rights Movement: The Struggle Continues Essay -- Racism, Civ

Civil rights are the rights to personal liberty and are provided by the law. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights promises everybody civil rights. But many people, including lots of black people, have been denied their civil rights. Black people, and also some white people who help them, have struggled for these rights for a long time. Many people have helped and many kinds of groups have been formed to help win equal rights for everyone. Things are a lot better used to be, but the struggle is not over.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Soon after the Declaration of Independence was signed there were groups that tried to end slavery. They were in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland, and Connecticut. It took a long time to win freedom for slaves. Lots of slaves were taken to freedom in the North on the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad is the name of the system that slaves traveled in secret from one place to another. They usually hid during the day and traveled at nighttime. Some slaves even fought to be free. Nat Turner was a preacher that led a slave revolt in Virginia in 1831. But they all ended up being executed..   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed slaves in the Confederate states. But it did not guarantee anyone an education, a job, or a place to live. The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution made slavery illegal. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments were passed later, and they were supposed to give blacks all their civil rights, especially the right to vote.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Reconstruction period was 1865 – 1877. During this time many black people had important government jobs. Louisiana, South Carolina, and Mississippi had black lieutenant governors, and Mississippi’s speaker of the house was black. The superintendent of public education in Florida was black. The South had 22 black representatives in Congress.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  White Southerners who hated blacks started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866. It was also called the KKK. They tried to stop black people from voting and having other civil rights. They would wear white sheets and masks with pointed hoods. They would beat up blacks and public officials. They would burn crosses by the houses of people they wanted to scare. The KKK was declared illegal in 1... ... bad that they boycotted all the buses in Montgomery. They lost so much money that the law was changed so blacks cold sit anywhere just like whites. During the boycott was when Dr. martin Luther King Jr. became an important black leader. He didn’t believe in using violence. He received the Nobel Peace Prize. But in 1968 he was assassinated and there were riots in 50 states because the blacks were so angry and frustrated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From that time until now there have been new laws passed and things have gotten better. But even now blacks and other minorities are involved in the civil rights movement. Lots of like Spanish Americans, Jews, Orientals, Native Americans, immigrants, homosexuals and others are involved now. The leaders, black and white, sometimes don’t agree on how to win civil rights. Most people are working peacefully, but others, that are called militants, think peace hasn’t worked and that violence is necessary. Many people think that blacks still do not receive fair treatment from authorities like the police. Even now the civil rights movement is still working for equal rights for all like we were promised in the Declaration of Independence.

Critics of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay -- Adventurous Huc

Critics of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn   The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered by many to be the greatest American novel ever written.   Despite this praise, Mark Twain’s masterpiece has never been without criticism.   Upon its inception it was blasted for being indecent literature for young readers because of its lack of morals and contempt for conformity.   Modern indignation toward Huck Finn arises from its racist undertones, most notably Twain’s treatment of the character Jim.   As is the case with many canonized yet controversial books, the biggest conflict revolves around the inclusion of Huck Finn on required reading lists of public schools throughout the country.   In general, the mostly African-American critics consider Twain himself to be racist and Huck Finn simply reflects this.   Blacks, especially Jim, are portrayed as fools and used as comedic fodder to bolster feelings of white superiority in Twain’s southern audience.   Although Jim’s positive qualities are presented in certain parts of the novel, they are overshadowed by his superstitious folly which Twain returns to in the later chapters.   The fact that Huck’s narration is intentionally skewed by the innocence and ignorance of an adolescent is little consolation to critics who feel that Twain has committed gross immorality.   Also, the incessant use of the epithet â€Å"nigger† has been deemed excessive.   Despite these condemnations though even the staunchest opponents of Twain find certain redeeming qualities that make it hard to promote all out censorship. One of the most stringent dissenters of Huck Finn is Julius Lester, Newberry Award winning author of the children’s book To Be a Slave.   Lester argues that one of the primary concerns of lit... ...hite man.   This pseudo-parenthood relieves Huck of any lifelong responsibilities to Jim and also allows Twain to eventually separate the two without any emotional repercussions.   In short, they lack a true familial bond implicating a tragedy of sadness at the core of their relationship which is possibly due to Huck’s insatiable racism. Ultimately, both Henry and Morrison approve the teaching of Huck Finn under the conditions of mature students and cautious, open-minded teachers.   The problems in Twain’s novel may never be fully explained but an honest and careful consideration of the issues in Huck Finn should contribute positively to the growing awareness of American race relations.    Work Cited Clemens, Samuel. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter, et al. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Lexington: Heath, 1994. Critics of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay -- Adventurous Huc Critics of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn   The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered by many to be the greatest American novel ever written.   Despite this praise, Mark Twain’s masterpiece has never been without criticism.   Upon its inception it was blasted for being indecent literature for young readers because of its lack of morals and contempt for conformity.   Modern indignation toward Huck Finn arises from its racist undertones, most notably Twain’s treatment of the character Jim.   As is the case with many canonized yet controversial books, the biggest conflict revolves around the inclusion of Huck Finn on required reading lists of public schools throughout the country.   In general, the mostly African-American critics consider Twain himself to be racist and Huck Finn simply reflects this.   Blacks, especially Jim, are portrayed as fools and used as comedic fodder to bolster feelings of white superiority in Twain’s southern audience.   Although Jim’s positive qualities are presented in certain parts of the novel, they are overshadowed by his superstitious folly which Twain returns to in the later chapters.   The fact that Huck’s narration is intentionally skewed by the innocence and ignorance of an adolescent is little consolation to critics who feel that Twain has committed gross immorality.   Also, the incessant use of the epithet â€Å"nigger† has been deemed excessive.   Despite these condemnations though even the staunchest opponents of Twain find certain redeeming qualities that make it hard to promote all out censorship. One of the most stringent dissenters of Huck Finn is Julius Lester, Newberry Award winning author of the children’s book To Be a Slave.   Lester argues that one of the primary concerns of lit... ...hite man.   This pseudo-parenthood relieves Huck of any lifelong responsibilities to Jim and also allows Twain to eventually separate the two without any emotional repercussions.   In short, they lack a true familial bond implicating a tragedy of sadness at the core of their relationship which is possibly due to Huck’s insatiable racism. Ultimately, both Henry and Morrison approve the teaching of Huck Finn under the conditions of mature students and cautious, open-minded teachers.   The problems in Twain’s novel may never be fully explained but an honest and careful consideration of the issues in Huck Finn should contribute positively to the growing awareness of American race relations.    Work Cited Clemens, Samuel. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Lauter, et al. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Lexington: Heath, 1994.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Community Service: We Must All Give Back to the Community Essay

I earned volunteer hours as a member of the County High Students in Philanthropy organization. I joined Students in Philanthropy my junior year in high school mostly because I wanted it on my college applications but partly because my mom has a part of the organization when she was getting her degree. My mom loved being a part of Students in Philanthropy and so I thought it would be the best choice for me. I had no clue just how much fun I would have over the course of two years. I definitely did not expect to become a member of State College’s Students in Philanthropy when I started college two years ago, however I am now a member and I love it. Through being a part of such an incredible organization, I volunteered with the Life Skills students at County High, helped build a house ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Discussion question Essay

The lab consist of using the AVG scan in the virtual machine to detect the different threats that were found which were moved to the virus vault. The window defender was used to verify the different infections and spyware that were found in the virtual machine. Malware and spyware are growing trends in the world of technology. It is good to know the steps to take just in case your system is infected with these nasty malicious malware and spyware. This is a screenshot of the number of threats that were identified by the scan. Screen shot of the detailed view of the 1st infection â€Å"†;†C:HelixIRRAMwin32ddwin32dd.sys†;†Trojan horse Hider.JI†;†Moved to Virus Vault† Screen shot of the detailed view of the 2nd infection â€Å"†;†C:HelixIR irsoftLSASecretsView.exe†;†May be infected by unknown virus Win32/DH{HhMXFE8VGw}†;†Moved to Virus Vault† Screen shot of the detailed view of the 3rd infection†Ã¢â‚¬ ;†C:HelixIRinpwdump2.exe†;†May be infected by unknown virus Win32/DH{HhRPFRs}†;†Moved to Virus Vault† Screen shot of the detailed view of the 4th infection â€Å"†;†C:HelixIRinPsh.exe†;†Trojan horse Dropper.Generic4.BVMA†;†Moved to Virus Vault† Screen shot of the 1st detailed spyware â€Å"†;†C:HelixIR irsoftastlog.exe†;†Potentially harmful program Logger.IAC†;†Moved to Virus Vault† Screen shot of the 2nd detailed spyware â€Å"†;†C:HelixIRFoundstoneFPipe.exe†;†Potentially harmful program Tool.IT†;†Moved to Virus Vault† Screen shot of the 3rd detailed spyware â€Å"†;†C:HelixIRincryptcat.exe†;†Potentially harmful program RemoteAdmin.IH†;†Moved to Virus Vault† This is a screenshot of the Virus Vault. This is a screenshot of the AVG’s Threat Detected alert window. This is a screenshot of the productreview.pdf file displayed in the vault. Remediation Steps There are many steps that can be followed to remove malware and spyware. There are several steps to remove infections such as a Trojan horse or a Trojan dropper from your computer system. 1. Reboot the system 2. Make the system restore is turned off so that the system does restore the infected file. 3. Launch anti-virus software that is installed on the system. 4. Go to disk view and highlight your computer and then select scan/ repair to that the anti-virus can detect the Trojan and put it in the recycle bin. 5. Restart the system and make sure the recycle bin is emptied. 6. Make sure the Trojan was deleted successfully by running another scan. The steps to remove spyware are different than the steps to remove an infection. The steps are as follows: 1. First, delete the temporary files. 2. Make sure the system restore is turned off. 3. Then install anti-virus/ anti-spyware program, an examples would be bit defender, or malwarebyte ant-malware. 4. Run a full scan and whatever is found, then delete it 5. Restart computer to make sure the spyware is deleted. This is a screenshot of the File Transfer file. Lab Assessment Questions and Answers 1. Workstation and desktop devices are prone to viruses, malware, and malicious software, especially if the user surfs the Internet and World Wide Web. Given that users connect to the Internet and World Wide Web, what security countermeasures can organizations implement to help mitigate the risk from viruses, malware, and malicious software? Organizations can restrict certain sites, keywords like blogs, and mirror sites. Organizations can block ingress of files that contain potentially dangerous content and also consider blocking all compressed executables from entry (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, 2004). They can also make sure specific ports are shut down; this can prevent back doors when accessing a site. There are a lot of websites out there that do not need accessibility, especially for work environment. 2. Your employees e-mail file attachments to each other and externally through the organization’s firewall and Internet connection. What security countermeasures can you implement to help mitigate the risk of rogue e-mail attachments and URL Web links? Many business owners must examine what is at risk when they communicate sensitive data over email. The first thing is to make sure that a good virus protection software is install and updated on everyone computer place. Second it is good that all key departments within the organization, such as legal IT and H, understand the policies; require them to sign off on the email filtering, retention, retrieval and analysis policies (Small Business Computing Staff, 2011). 3. Why is it recommended to do an antivirus signature file update before  performing an antivirus scan on your computer? Signature files contain the latest list and behavior of known viruses that why it’s important to update the antivirus signature file before performing a scan on your computer. Anti-virus programs release signature files updates regularly sometimes daily sometimes more often because new viruses are being identified on a daily basis (Loza, 1999). 4. Once a malicious file is found on your computer, what are the default settings for USB/removable device scanning? What should organizations do regarding use of USB hard drives and slots on existing computers and devices? Many of the USB devices have serial numbers associated with them. Most of the scanning and tracking details would be use with most of the USB mass storage devices. Organizations should immediately disable the auto run on the system. The devices that are connected to the infected computer should be scan for malicious malware and spyware. 5. If you find a suspect executable and wish to perform â€Å"dynamic analysis,† what does that mean? Dynamic analysis is the testing and evaluation of a program by executing data in real-time (Rouse, 2006). The objective of the dynamic analysis is to find errors in a program while it is running rather than repeatedly examine the code offline. The codes are easily notice while the program is in use to help detected the error codes. 6. What is a malware and malicious code sandbox? A sandbox is a virtual environment with its own its own guest operating system where intercepted incoming can be observed (Jackson, 2013). By observing the behavior in the sandbox, it should notice and blocked malware regardless of whether the code or the vulnerability it exploits is already known. 7. What are typical indicators that your computer system is compromised? There are several indicators that your system may be compromised. The computer is extremely slow Applications won’t start Can’t connect to the Internet The antivirus is turn off There are entirely different browsers, and item are opening up and there are a lot of pop ups. 8. Where does AVG Business Edition 2012 place viruses, Trojans, worms, and other malicious software when it finds them? When going through the steps in the AVG Business Edition 2012 in the lab the viruses, Trojans, worms, and other malicious software were put in a vault. It was then deleted out of the virus vault. The viruses are quarantined and then isolated and deleted by the user. 9. What other viruses, Trojans, worms, or malicious software were identified and quarantined by AVG within the Virus Vault upon completion of the Whole Computer Scan? There were 4 infections that were found during the whole computer scans. The 4 infections are as follows: Trojan horse Hider.JI† Win32/DH{HhMXFE8VGw Win32/DH{HhRPFRs} Trojan horse Dropper.Generic4.BVMA In the scan was also 3 spyware that were found as well Logger.IAC Tool.IT RemoteAdmin.IH 10. What elements are needed in a workstation domain policy regarding use of antivirus and malicious software prevention tools? It is important that the needed elements are included in the workstation policy to make sure that the antivirus and malicious software are used properly. Tech support must make sure that everyone is following the guidelines of keeping the system safe from malware and spyware. A policy should be in place to let the employees know the importance of using the antivirus and malicious tools properly. Conclusion By going through the steps in the lab, there were many infections and spyware that were detected and later moved to the virus vault. The different viruses were moved to the vault so that they would not infect the rest of the system. In assessment were steps that must be taken to make sure that the infections and spyware are completely deleted from the system. There were many techniques that were learned about infections and spyware and where they should be moved when they are detected by the AVG scan. Reference Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (2004). Mitigating the risk of Malicious Software. Retrieved from advice_malicious_software.pdf Jackson, W (2013). Hackers’ new trick for slithering through sandboxes Retrieved from sandboxes.aspx Loza, C, (1999). Why Is It Important to Constantly Update Antivirus Software? Retrieved from Rouse, M (2006). Dynamic Analysis Retrieved from Small Business for Computing Staff (2011). 5 Email Security Tips to Protect Your Small Business. Retrieved from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Of Mice and Men †What happens after the close of the novel? Essay

The late summer sky was lit with the shimmering tones of the burnt amber sun, enclosed in a vivid colour palette of sunset. The colours blended and twisted to form a ceiling to the wide open canyon where George and Slim sat surrounded by crimson and brown vegetation. The empty silence was broken by the slight sound of a gentle wind echoing through the canyon along with the scuttling of a bottle green lizard exploring the small sandy dunes. The air was a muggy damp air that was more like steam or fog. As George looked over the vast dunes, he could see the cloudy distance through the fog and couldn’t help but feel pessimistic about the future which lie ahead of him. Slim on the other hand was ready to go and trying to get George on his feet, George felt a sharp pull on his arm and stumbled to his feet. As they walked their feet disturbed small clusters of sand which consequently left a light trail behind them. Since the last rest they had been moving for about seven hours, they had seen the just awoken sun rise up out of morning clouds. They advanced through the desert scene and then they noticed. † George †¦ How full is you water canister? â€Å" † ’bout a half, what about your’s† † I got none left George.† † Here, have some of mine† George passed his water canister to Slim. Slim reached out to take it. Sloosh! Slims palm was hot and stiff and he had not taken a proper grip on the canister. It fell to the ground its content cascading out onto the sandy floor. The dry ground sucked up the moisture. George and Slim scrambled to the floor, wracked at the sand in a hope to find some water but it was all gone. † I.. I’m sorry George I .. I just didn’t grip it tight enough.† † s’ok Slim, I wasn’t your fault.† So the two thirsty, dehydrated men set off searching for a source of water. The sun was getting hotter and hotter, and Slim and George were getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly George felt a burst, he had seen something in the distance. † SLIM SLIM!† â€Å"What, What is it George?† â€Å"Over there in the distance, can you see it. It’s a pool.† â€Å"I see it, I see it. We’re saved.† Slim and George scrambled across the sand like small excited kittens. George hurriedly got there first and jumped in. He landed flat on the same ground he had seen for the past seventeen days. There was no pool. No water. It was all a figment of the imagination. Slim, confused, walked over to George’s side. â€Å"Are you alright George?†¦ What happened?† â€Å"I dunno, one second there was a pool, then I was on the sand.† â€Å"But I could see it, so where’d it go?† † It wasn’t real. The heat is playing with our minds.† â€Å"We Haven’t eaten in days.† † I know. We need to find some water.† † Wait George. What’s that up ahead?† â€Å"It’s nothing’ . Remember we’re seeing things that aren’t actually there. It’s all in our minds.† Further along the road was an inn. But George and Slim thinking it wasn’t real continued there journey in the other direction. After a while the food supply was also coming to an end. George and Slim were eating more and more every day in a hope that they would have enough energy to reach a ranch or an inn. They sat down in a silence, Neither having enough energy to speak. Eventually they fell asleep on the warm blanket-like floor of the desert. The sand was soft and comforted them as they slept. It was not until the heat became unbearable the next day they awoke. † Slim†¦ Slim. Come on it’s time to go. We have to find water†¦ Slim?† † I can’t George. I†¦ I’ve got no fight left in me.† † Sure you do. Were bound to find somewhere today.† † You go George.† † I’m not going alone Slim. Not after what happened with Lennie. I’ll go and get help.† George got to his feet and started a paced walk. Hat he hadn’t realised was that he was walking the way they had already come the day before. Three hours later George had made little progress. He had not found anywhere that could help or anyone who could assist them. Slowly he squinted into the distance. What is that he thought. It was the inn he had imagined the day before. It’s not real he said to himself in a firm way as to not get his own hopes high. He walked on toward it none the less. As he got closer he could smell soup and ale. He approached the building and reached out to touch it. He could feel the rough grain of the wood beneath his hand. His dry sin touching the inn. He ran inside. † Please, my friend is further out, we ran out of food and water. Can you help him?† â€Å"Sure, I have a sand cart do remember which direction you came?† â€Å"I think so.† â€Å"Alright let’s go.† George instructed the innkeeper to where Slim was laying half-covered by sand. His body was tired and weak. George got Slim onto the spare seat and the innkeeper took them back to the inn and accommodated them with rooms, and told them when Slim was rested there were a few jobs that needed doing around the inn. George ad Slim set about doing them as soon as they could. Instead of being paid in money they were paid in supply’s such a food, water and transportation. Slim and George left the inn after three weeks and went on there way. The innkeeper told them he would always welcome them if they were ever passing. George said † I don’t think we’ll be passing here for a while.† † Well ok, but remember if your ever around.† † Thanks. For all of your help.† George and Slim were on their journey once more. They hoped to find some work on a ranch about eighty miles away the innkeeper told them about. As they were walking Slim said † Thanks George.† † For what?† † Helping’ me† † That’s what travelling partners do. We look out for each other.† † Well, Thanks again.†

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Man of Justice: To Kill a Mockingbird

He never yelled at the two, or abused them by physical punishment. Tactics also never bragged about how he could do many things, like shoot a gun, which may have taught the children a lot. Tactics woke up one day to see his neighbors house on fire. He tells Jam and Scout to wait by the Raddled house, because Miss Media's home is in a dangerous state. While the children watched the house burn from the Raddled', they spotted their brave dad run into the house to grab something. L saw Tactics carrying Miss Media's heavy oak rocking chair, and thought it was sensible of him to save what she most valued† (Lee 93). Tactics had the courage to run into a burning house to save a neighbor's favorite rocking hair in the freezing cold! The Old Sacrum Bunch came to the prison where Tom Robinson was held; (with rifles and weapons), and Tactics wouldn't accept their orders. The children were watching their father sitting in front of the jail with a light and a book, when many cars then came b y.Tactics began speaking to the group and they asked â€Å"ahoy know what we want' another man said. ‘Get aside the door Mr.. Finch'† (Lee 202). Tactics courageously replied by stating mayo can turn around and go home, Walter (Lee 202). This is only one of the things Tactics has done for Tom Robinsons safety and comfort. Tactics was put in a situation where he had to shoot a dog to save his neighbors. This started when Jam and Scout were trying to find some wildlife to shoot at when, they spot Tim Johnson (a dog).He was acting weird, so the children ran to their nanny, California, and told her about the situation. She later called Tactics and told him to come because of this animal. Sheriff Heck Tate and Tactics came out Of the car with a rifle. Tactics is handed the gun and shoots Jim Johnson. Tactics later states to the child â€Å"don't you go near that dog you understand? Don't go near him, he's just as dangerous dead as alive†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ (Lee 128). Tactics is a brave hero that has done many things to improve others' joy, like when he let Mr..

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Critical Thinking Question Essay

1. Explain the differences between bacterial meningitis, aseptic meningitis, fungal meningitis, and tubercular meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is a primary infection of the pia mater, arachnoid and subarachnoid space, ventricular system and the CSF of the brain. The subarachnoid space is accessed either by a systemic, bloodstream or direct extension infection. Common causes of bacterial meningitis after the neonatal period are Meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis) and pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumonia). For neonates, pneumococcus and gram-negative enteric bacilli are common agents. Aseptic meningitis (viral meningitis, nonpurulent meningitis, lymphocytic meningitis) is an inflammation which is thought to be localized to the meninges. The population at risk depends of the virus. A variety of symptoms are caused by a plethora of viruses such as enteroviral (most common), mumps, herpes simplex types 1 and 2,, St. Lus encephalitis virus, West Nile virus, California encephalitis virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Colorado tick fever, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and influenza virus types A and B. Fungal meningitis is a chronic, much less common condition than bacterial or viral meningitis. It most frequently occurs in persons with impaired immune systems or those with altered normal flora. Development is insidious and usually occurs over days to weeks. Also associated with chronic meningitis are syphilis, tuberculosis and Lyme disease. Tubercular meningitis is the most common and most serious form of CNS tuberculosis, and is found mostly in those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Miliary tubercules form in the brain and meninges, later eroding in the pia mater with mycobacteria entering in the CSF producing a hypersensitivity reaction which causes purulent exudate to the basal meninges, cerebrum and spinal nerves. Vasculitis occurs causing cerebral ischemia and infarction. Symptoms include headache, low-grade fever, stiff neck, nausea and vomiting, irritability, difficulty sleeping and fatigue. These signs and symptoms lead to increase to confusion, stiff neck, significant behavioral changes, and seizures. Additionally, hydrocephalus and cranial nerve palsies or cerebral infarcts may occur. Early diagnosis and treatment with proper antituberculosis may cause a 90% recovery rate. 2. A neonate has a harsh, loud, systolic murmur shortly after birth. This is best heard at the left lower sternal border. The neonate is acyanotic and has no other symptoms. What type of congenital heart disorder does this infant have? Explain why the neonate is not cyanotic. When could the infant become cyanotic? These symptoms describe a ventricular septal defect (VSD). This type of defect is a left to right shunt of blood flow through the septum of the heart and symptoms depend on the size of the shunt. Because of the increase in blood from the right ventricle (RV) into the pulmonary artery (PA), the PA, left atrium (LA) and left ventricle (LV) become enlarged. A large VSD causes a large amount of pulmonary volume. Over time, the smooth muscle layer of the arteriolar wall thickens and a decrease in diameter of the pulmonary vessels occurs which causes resistance to the new blood flow. An increase in pulmonary vascular resistance causes a reverse shunting through the VSD causing cyanosis from deoxygenated blood flowing through systemic circulation. This phenomenon is termed Eisenmenger syndrome. 3. How does defective gastric secretion of intrinsic factor (IF) cause anemia? What is this type of anemia called, and how does a person get it? Intrinsic factor (IF) is a mucoprotein that is produced by the parietal cells. It is responsible for absorption of vitamin B12 in the ileum. Decreased amounts of IF causes a lack of absorption of B12 resulting in pernicious anemia. IF deficiency may be congenital or from adult onset gastric mucosal atrophy and parietal cell destruction. In older adults, failure to absorb IF is the cause of almost all vitamin B12 deficiencies. Congenital IF disorder is caused by an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern which is a genetic disorder. Gastric atrophy may be autoimmune and occurs along with type A chronic gastritis. 4. Discuss the pathophysiologic relationship between cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Cirrhosis is an inflammatory disease of the liver that disrupts its structure and function. Fibrous bands are formed causing nodular regeneration giving the liver a bumpy appearance. The liver is smaller or larger than normal and is hard when palpated. Parenchyma of the liver becomes distorted and the biliary channels become obstructed causing jaundice. Shunting is formed in new vascular channels bypassing blood from the liver. Obstruction in the portal veins also causes abnormal high blood pressure in the system from resistance of the blood flow from the obstruction. This is termed portal hypertension. Cirrhosis of the liver is the most common cause of portal hypertension.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Multiculturalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multiculturalism - Essay Example In general, the practice of multiculturalism is said to be effective in improving the marketing communication of the Chinese and Indians who are residing in Australia. (Zhu, Nel, and Bhat, 2006) By considering the intercultural dimension and characteristics of each customer, business people are able to create a stronger buyer-seller relationship. Among the Australian Indians, it is the creation of trust and loyalty between them and the Asian seller(s) which further creates a way to develop future business opportunities. On the other hand, the Australian Chinese develop a close relationship with its Asian suppliers in order for them to be able to be able to end up making a win-win negotiation concerning the price and quality of the products they will purchase.Aside from improving the purchasers’ relationship with the Asian suppliers, multiculturalism also improves the working relationship between Australian business owners and their employed groups of workers in the Asian count ries. As a result of implementing multiculturalism within a business institution, a company’s all business performance and efficiency can be improved.The application of multiculturalism in doing business with Asia particularly in the trading of human power, raw materials, and finished products removes the cultural barriers and racial discrimination between Australia and the Asian countries. International trading is important since it could result in a significant economic advantage on the part of Australia.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Buyer behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Buyer behaviour - Assignment Example The report has been prepared to focus the purchasing behaviour of the user for the Samsung products. Samsung is an international conglomerate company, which was founded in 1938 and is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. The product portfolio of the company comprise of apparel, medical equipments, electronic components, telecommunications equipment, consumer electronics, ships and semiconductors. Samsung also provides wide range of services such as financial services, advertising, health care and medical services, retail, hospitality, entertainment and construction services (Samsung, 2015). The psychological and sociological drivers of consumer behaviour will be assessed through the marketing analysis of Samsung by using different theories and models. Further, the impact of the marketing mix components on the decision-making process of the consumers will also be taken into consideration for the purpose of this report. The customers of Samsung are grouped on the basis of geographic, demographic and psychographic segmentation. According to geographic segmentation, Samsung is targeting the Chinese and Indian market as a priority and then focusing on other regions. According to demographic segmentation, age does not really matter for the Samsung products and it offers its services and goods for all the family sizes. The company targets the customers of middle, upper middle as well as higher class individuals. The company has segmented the customer into three different categories such as teachers and students, self employed and businessman. On the psychographic segmentation basis, Samsung is targeting the users based on their personality as well as lifestyle (Clow and Baack, 2011). Exposure: Mainly perception starts with exposure towards stimuli. Exposure occurs when stimuli come within any of the following senses such as touch, smell, vision, taste and hearing. It has been

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Consumer behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Consumer behaviour - Essay Example Government and leaders of the company have become increasingly aware of the people’s needs and understand that at times people would break the rules in place to satisfy them. With the help of Maslow theory marketer’s can judge consumer’s motivations they can identify the generic level of need the consumer product is capable of fulfilling. This would help the marketers better form any of the marketing strategy. Products such as foods and clothes are purchased as they fulfill safety needs; personal care products such as shaving cream, perfume, soap, toothpaste, are bought mainly as they serve social needs. While luxurious products such as expensive clothing, fancy house, jewelry, and cares are bought mainly to serve self-actualizations and ego needs. Though, Maslow's hierarchy does consider relevant from an intuitive standpoint, however, there is little evidence to proof its hierarchical aspect. Today there are evidences to contradict such aspects as explained by t his motivation theory. For example, today we find some of the cultures placing social needs ahead of any others. Maslow's hierarchy further has difficulty explaining incidents such as the "starving artist" where a person ignores lower needs to pursuit higher ones. Finally, it cannot be prove that people g up t motivated just to satisfy a single need at a time, except in situations where one finds conflict between needs. Therefore, it fails to predict and shape market well. 2. How influential is gender stereotyping in the popular magazine or the drinks markets in differentiating and expanding the total market? Gender stereotyping makes use of magazines and other advertising mediums to govern and shape people’s perception. How influential they might would depend on the assumptions made about men and women which may or may not be true. It could have been said to predict fairly for a fewer numbers however, it might not be true for the larger part. In short that everyone could con fide to the description of gender descriptions as mentioned neatly in various advertising mediums such as magazines and drinks market. Today readers are found to be much sophisticated and are aware that much of the advertising stuff does not portray their sets of beliefs, perceptions, attitudes and likings. Post modern reader would take out several magazines to form a mix up suiting their sets of thinking patterns. For instance, one of the women might select the top and sandals off a photo shoot posted in a magazine but paired it with his favorite pants. So today, readers are conforming to some parts of gender stereotypes exposed to them but have willpower to surpass them if they feel like. So, in this case it would be relevant to conclude that magazines target audience in manner that they could influence majority and hence raise the sales of their products. However, there would be many readers who would know when to absorb and what to buy. 3. Give an example of ‘cultural jamm ing’ that to your mind works really well in causing consumers to think twice about their attitudes towards a brand or a product. What techniques does this example of ‘cultural jamming’ utilize to make it so effective? Culture jamming is arousing attention in consumers of particular brand to react in an emotional manner. It can be commercial, social or political. If done properly it raises awareness among the people and is effective adding legal way to mend the consumer’s perception. One of the best examples of culture jamming that